Este es un blog para el desarrollo de temas diversos, desde arte, literatura, cine, hasta política y religión. Siempre con la mirada crítica y el ojo sarcástico que nos hace sobrevivir en esta realidad tan conflictiva y conflictuada.
viernes, 26 de septiembre de 2008
Trailer de Valkyrie
La pelicula la dirige Brian Singer de quien no habíamos escuchado desde Superman Returns (2006)(a excepción de los tres primeros capítulos de Dr. House del cual es productor ejecutivo); antes de aser la continuación de Superman, dio un giro a su carrera pues después de tres películas de gran presupuesto basadas en personajes de Comics (X-Men, X2 y Superman), regresa a las historias que le dieron fama como: The Usual Suspects (1995) o Apt Pupil (1998), en donde los héroes y villanos son más terrenales y la diferencia entre éstos esta a favor del punto de vista del espectador.
Valkyrie cuenta la historia real del Coronel Claus von Stauffenberg (Tom Cruise) y su ingenioso aunque fallido plan para eliminar a Adolf Hitler, el resto del cast incluye a: Kenneth Branagh, Bill Nighy, Tom Wilkinson y Terence Stamp; Christopher McQuarrie (ganador del Oscar por Sospechosos Comunes) escribe la historia.
Hasta el momento todas las películas de Singer me han dejado satisfecho y es probable que esta no sea la excepción, la esperare con ansias (creo que es la única película comercial que espero con ansias de aquí a Enero del siguiente año)
Defectos en la pel{icula, casi todos los actores son Ingleses, excepto Tom Cruse que es gringo y esta hablada en Ingles lo cual demerita mucho la película, pero habrá que ver como resulta, la expectativa sigue activa por la película.
The lone Ranger reloded
Yo conosco a un par de personas que si lo recuerdan, pero de eso a que esten expectantes a la espera de que el personaje reaparezca hay un enorme trecho.
Pues Disney si esta feliz por la autorización del Revival del personaje enmascarado (y no tan solitario) y reunirá a dos estrllas disímiles en los roles principales: George Clooney como The Long Rainger y Johnny Deep como su sidekick de nombre "indio-hollywoodense" Toro, corregido por obvias razones de su nombre original ("Tonto").
El caso es que ya esta autorizado, los escritores serían Ted Elliott y Terry Rossio, ambos los escritores detras de cosas como Godzilla, La tetralogía de Piratas del caribe y las dos partes de El Zorro, aceptemoslo, solo tienen una película muy rescatable: Shreek (2001) pero lo demás cae en lo nediocre o lo olvidable.
Ya es un hecho de que se va hacer, el resultado será un Long Rainger existencialista como los más recientes filmes de vaqueros (The assesination of Jessie James by the Coward Robert Ford, 3:10 to Yuma o Seraphim Falls) o será una nimiedad que no aporte nada al mundo del cine... por ahorita me convence más la segunda opción.
martes, 23 de septiembre de 2008
La serie "I love you"

El caso de la seroe "I love you" se enfoca en ciudades, siendo París la primera en ser diseñada y desarrollada.

- Yvan Attal (And They Lived Happily Ever After [2004], My Wife is an Actress [2001] )
- Allen Hughes (Dead Presidents [1995], From Hell [2001], Touch of Evil [2004])
- Shunji Iwai (Love Letter [1995], Todo sobre Lily Chou-Chou [2001])
- Wen Jiang (Demonios en la puerta [2000], El sol también se levanta [2007])
- Joshua Marston (Maria, llena eres de gracia [2004])
- Brett Ratner (Rush Hour 1-3 [1998 -2001 -2007 ], X-Men: The Last Stand [2006])
- Andrei Zvyagintsev (El Regreso [2003], The Banishment [2007])
- Fatih Akin (The Other Side)
- Shekhar Kapur (Elizabeth [1998], Elizabeth: The Golden Age [2007])
- Mira Nair (El Buen Nombre, Los Silencios del Palacio)
Y las debutantes en cuanto a dirección se refiere:
- Natalie Portman
- Scarlett Johansson
Lo que si es que con el nivel que traen los Asiáticos, es probable que la tercera parte, la de Shanghai, sea la mejor de la serie, habrá que esperar a ver como se desarrollan.
Temiendo ver Watchmen
Patrick Wilson Ponders ‘Watchmen’ Sequel: ‘It’s Been Talked About’
Published by Rick Marshall on Wednesday, September 17, 2008 at 12:42 pm.
Patrick Wilson as Nite Owl in 'Watchmen'These days, it isn’t a blockbuster unless there’s talk of a sequel — especially when it comes to films based on comic books. Jon Favreau’s “Iron Man” sequels are a pretty sure bet, but what about the talk of a sequel (or possibly prequel) to one-and-done stories like “300”? Heck, could “Watchmen” become a franchise?
MTV News recently spoke to actor Patrick Wilson, who plays Nite Owl in the much-anticipated adaptation of Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons’ graphic novel, and asked him to weigh in on the film’s sequel potential.
“It’s all been talked about,” laughed Wilson. “Financially, they like to do that. But all of us, [director] Zack [Snyder] included, all go, ‘How on Earth could you do a sequel or prequel?’”
While Wilson acknowledged the presence of a clause in his contract that allowed for sequels, he was quick to add that these types of arrangements are standard fare these days, citing their presence (and even more unlikely use) in Snyder’s previous blockbuster adaptation, “300.”
“Even the guys from ‘300’ might have had a sequel,” said Wilson. “It’s the most ridiculous option. It’s sort of a financial way to protect the studio, and I would do the same thing.”
But could “Watchmen” ever have a sequel — and furthermore, would he want to be in it?
“Certainly, artistically, I can’t fathom how it would happen,” said Wilson. “But hey, if Alan Moore writes it, I’d love to read it.”
Eso esta como para tirarse a las drogas, pero lo mejor es la entrevista con el amargado de Alan Moore...
For the record, Alan Moore has not softened his view on Hollywood nor its plan to bring his classic graphic novel "Watchmen" to the screen next March.
"I find film in its modern form to be quite bullying," Moore told me during an hour-long phone call from his home in England. "It spoon-feeds us, which has the effect of watering down our collective cultural imagination. It is as if we are freshly hatched birds looking up with our mouths open waiting for Hollywood to feed us more regurgitated worms. The 'Watchmen' film sounds like more regurgitated worms. I for one am sick of worms. Can't we get something else? Perhaps some takeout? Even Chinese worms would be a nice change."
Moore is often described as a recluse but, really, I think it's more precise to say he is simply too busy at his writing desk. "Yes, perhaps I should get out more," he said with a chuckle. In conversation, the 54-year-old iconoclast is everything his longtime readers would expect -- articulate, witty, obstinate and selectively enigmatic. Far from grouchy, he only gets an edge in his voice when he talks about the effect of Hollywood on the comics medium that he so memorably energized in the 1980s with "Saga of the Swamp Thing," "V for Vendetta," "Marvelman" and, of course, "Watchmen," his 1986 masterpiece. The Warner Bros. film version of "Watchmen" is due in theaters in March although the project has encountered some turbulence with a lawsuit filled by 20th Century Fox over who has the rights to the property. Moore has no intention of seeing the film and, in fact, he hints that he has put a magical curse on the entire endeavor.
"Will the film even be coming out? There are these legal problems now, which I find wonderfully ironic. Perhaps it's been cursed from afar, from England. And I can tell you that I will also be spitting venom all over it for months to come."
Moore said all that with more mischievous glee than true malice, but I know it will still pain "Watchmen" director Zack Snyder when he reads it. The director of "300" absolutely adores the work of Moore and has been laboring intensely to bring "Watchmen" to the screen with faithful sophistication. But I don't think there's any way to win Moore over, he simply detests Hollywood. Moore said he has never watched any of the film adaptations of his comics creations (which have included "V for Vendetta," "From Hell," "Constantine" and "The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen") and that he believes "Watchmen" is "inherently unfilmable." He also rues the effect of Hollywood's siren call on the contemporary comics scene.
"There are three or four companies now that exist for the sole purpose of creating not comics, but storyboards for films. It may be true that the only reason the comic book industry now exists is for this purpose, to create characters for movies, board games and other types of merchandise. Comics are just a sort of pumpkin patch growing franchises that might be profitable for the ailing movie industry."
Moore said that with "Watchmen," he told the epic tale of a large number of characters over decades of history with "a range of techniques" that cannot be translated to the movie screen, among them the "book within a book" technique, which took readers through a second, interior story as well as documents and the writings of characters. He also said he was offended by the amount of money and resources that go into the Hollywood projects. "They take an idea, bowdlerize it, blow it up, make it infantile and spend $100 million to give people a brief escape from their boring and often demeaning lives at work. It's obscene and it's offensive. This is not the culture I signed up for. I'm sure I sound like Bobby Fischer talking about chess "
Es un ojete... pero soy BIEN fan, en cuanto a la película, lo sigo considerando
Zack and Miri Make a Porno uncensored trailer
Fotos Oficiales del cast de W.

Complementan el reparto:
Elizabeth Banks como Laura Bush, James Cromwell como Herbert Walker Bush, Ioan Gruffudd como Tony Blair, Ellen Burstyn como Barbara Bush, Jason Ritter como Jeb Bush, Noah Wyle como Don Evans y Sayed Badreya como Saddam Hussein.
Synecdoche, New York
Actuan Phillip Seimour Hoffman, Samantha Morton, Catherine Keenear y Emily Watson; Aqui el trailer.
Tres de pocas posibilidades de estreno comercial pero que me muero por ver
Coraline: Dirigida por Henry Selick (The Nightmare Before Christmas) y basado en el cuneto de Neil Gaiman; que más se puede pedir.
DeadGirl: Otra más salida del Festival de Toronto, Zombies con Teenagers con comedia, las criticas indican que el resultado es sumamente intersante al no ser ni una película de terror ni una película de teensagers sino algo completamente nuevo.