Todas las fotografías fueron tomadas en San Luis Potosí, México, durante el receso decembrino, conviene ir un par de días a ver lo que ofrece esa ciudad.
Buen fin de semana a todos
Este es un blog para el desarrollo de temas diversos, desde arte, literatura, cine, hasta política y religión. Siempre con la mirada crítica y el ojo sarcástico que nos hace sobrevivir en esta realidad tan conflictiva y conflictuada.
3 comentarios:
I was wondering what you used for your autoportraits as a reflection, it's very interesting, you could do a lot of abstract shots with it, I'm fascinated by abstract pictures and crazy lines, where you can only guess what you see.
I have a Mexican friend living in Paris at the moment and he is from San Luis Potosi, too and he was also there in December to see his family.
The Selfportrait I took them from a sculture of Federico Silva in his museum in San Luis Potosí, this is the firs time y take pictures in a digital form (I used my old but cool Mamiya 1967 with black and white pictures) and the good thing about this is that you can take a lot pictures, I am very slowly taking pictures because I try to look for the "correct" angle (whatever that means), with the digital camera I take pictures a little more faster.
Said "hi" to your mexican friend, this was my first time in San Luis Potosí, even though that some part of my family was from here. It's a good place but a little small (I know, considering that I live in Mexico City almost all of the other places are small, but that doesn't mean that it is a bad place, no it if very beautifull)
Salutes to you from here, good week
It's great that you have a Mamiya 1967! The format 6x6 is really amazing. Haven't you thought about trying to get a digital back for it, so you can have all the advantages of the medium format and the digital photography at the same time?
Have a nice week, too!
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