viernes, 11 de enero de 2008

Fotos 1

Estas son mis primeras fotos con cámara digital, cosas buenas es que pedes hacer tomas a lo loco sin gastar más que pila, mi preferencia por el blanco y negro sigue en pie y a estas alturas dudo que cambie de estilo.
Autorretrato 1
Autorretrato 2

Me matan los reflejos de las cosas, sucede como indica Borges, no se puede delucidar cual es la realidad y cual es el reflejo de la realidad que se convierte en una realidad en sí misma.
Además el reflejo tiende al infinito y al subconciente

Todas las fotografías fueron tomadas en San Luis Potosí, México, durante el receso decembrino, conviene ir un par de días a ver lo que ofrece esa ciudad.

Buen fin de semana a todos

3 comentarios:

Grinda dijo...

I was wondering what you used for your autoportraits as a reflection, it's very interesting, you could do a lot of abstract shots with it, I'm fascinated by abstract pictures and crazy lines, where you can only guess what you see.

I have a Mexican friend living in Paris at the moment and he is from San Luis Potosi, too and he was also there in December to see his family.

A. R. SHOUP dijo...

The Selfportrait I took them from a sculture of Federico Silva in his museum in San Luis Potosí, this is the firs time y take pictures in a digital form (I used my old but cool Mamiya 1967 with black and white pictures) and the good thing about this is that you can take a lot pictures, I am very slowly taking pictures because I try to look for the "correct" angle (whatever that means), with the digital camera I take pictures a little more faster.

Said "hi" to your mexican friend, this was my first time in San Luis Potosí, even though that some part of my family was from here. It's a good place but a little small (I know, considering that I live in Mexico City almost all of the other places are small, but that doesn't mean that it is a bad place, no it if very beautifull)

Salutes to you from here, good week

Grinda dijo...

It's great that you have a Mamiya 1967! The format 6x6 is really amazing. Haven't you thought about trying to get a digital back for it, so you can have all the advantages of the medium format and the digital photography at the same time?

Have a nice week, too!